Meloethics: A Semiotic Essay on Moral Values of the Artistic Musical Creation. 1996. Iași: Junimea Publishing House. In the framework of an integrating hermeneutical perspective, and using the semiotics of music, this book focuses on a new philosophical concept: the meloethics. It covers and equally reveals the complex unity of the dynamics and comprehensive connection between music art and moral values on which this art form builds, and no less, it is developed and activated through the peculiar modalities of melody, harmony and rhythm. In an overview, the meloethics enriches the categories apparatus of philosophy, proving a wide potential to be applied in ethics, aesthetics, philosophy of art, philosophy of musical language, etc. Unfolding a vast theoretical analysis, the author argues her original thesis based on what she considers to be an „onto-ethics of art music”. The approach continuously finds support in the universe of musical creations, from ancient fragments of monodies to the impressive chamber and symphonic musical works of classicism and contemporaneity. To meaningfully illustrate the meloethics, the author dwells on the musical creation of George Enescu (1881-1955).
Elements of Ethics and Deontology
Elements of Ethics and Deontology. 1997 (2nd edition 1998). Iași: “Al. I. Cuza” University Publishing House. An organon for professional ethics, especially for the humanities and social sciences education, is offered by this university handbook. The core of the work is made by a necessary cognitive and formative assessment in practice material, which might challenge into awakening the consciousness of present and/or future professionals to think about and try to accomplish their responsibilities and duties as regards themselves and the others, according to the meaning of Immanuel Kant's formulation of the 'categorical imperative'. The content moves from basic conceptual explanations, through intertwining axiological and normative dimensions of ethics and deontology, exposing relevant contributions of the ethical and deontological reflection, toward (the) codes of ethical organizational conduct.
Studies of Philosophy Educating Humanity
Studies of Philosophy Educating Humanity. 1997. Iași: Junimea Press. Starting from the current situation marked by the captivities of an excessive interest in material consumerism, of the very fast changes and the domination of digital emerging technologies coming - beyond undeniable benefits - together with the artificialization of human living style and the spiritual alienation, etc., the collected essays in this book represent the fruit of an effort to better understand the human position within the contemporary world. They carry a call for responsible commitment of individuals and communities alike in finding ways to transcend the present moral crisis, also to identify viable opportunities for an ascent trajectory / a real “anabasis” by cultivating the authentic creative potential of human being. Educating humanity is claimed as a priority of nowadays. It is conceived to be realized in terms of an interdisciplinary philosophical and educational view built on the pivots of ethics and aesthetics, unfolding a peculiar philosophy of promoting model virtue-based training.
Ethos of Music Art
Ethos of Music Art: Essays in Moral Philosophy. 2000. Iași: Junimea Press. Second edition, augmented and revised. 2007. Iași: 3D ARTE Press. Coming from within a serious knowledge and practice in classical music, reflecting on the relation between moral philosophy and the art of harmonious sounds, the book offers an in-depth investigation of the ethos of music. It enlightens part of the great significance the 'ethos of music art' gets for humanity. The reader is invited to disclose some as regards the 'joy of life' experience, in a transdisciplinary approach that is centered on ethics, aesthetics, philosophy of language, hermeneutics, phenomenology and semiotics; it is a call for grasping the extraordinary power music can exert on the self-fulfillment of the receiver subject / a virtual music lover thanks to its hedonistic, utilitarian, and eudaemonist message, which eventually contributes to the human well-being.
Introduction to Aretelogy: A Short Treatise of Ethics
Introduction to Aretelogy: A Short Treatise of Ethics. 2001 (2nd edition 2004). Iași: “Al. I. Cuza” University Publishing House. Reviving the meaning of the Greek ἀρετή / aretḗ, the author develops an analysis and interpretation of ethics as 'aretelogy'. It is unfolded a personal moral philosophical vision concerning 'virtue', which is taken in the functionality of a nucleus ethical value. The main purpose is to stir the reader into the horizon of the 'human moral excellence' the individuals are able to accomplish themselves, so much important today. 'Aretelogy' is explored as an aporethic theory that sustains an appropriate knowledge, comprehension and application in current human life. The concept of aretḗ is featured as a major one to anyone endeavoring to get a robust and wise learning in life, reminding the significance Socrates' teaching about a human 'life worth living'.
Lucian Blaga: Philosophizing “under the Mystery's Species”
Lucian Blaga: Philosophizing “under the Mystery's Species”. 2002. Iași: Timpul Publishing House. This booklet is dedicated to the Romanian philosopher, poet, playwright and essayist Lucian Blaga (1895-1961), who developed an impressive systematic vision in the 20th century metaphysics (and not only this). The author aims to give an exegesis focused on the heroic meaning of the unique tragic human condition in the world, by pursuing the idea of the “singularity of man” that Blaga designs as “being toward mystery and revelation of the mystery”; namely, through creation and historicity. The main works of Lucian Blaga, published as “Trilogies” - of knowledge, of culture, of values, and the cosmological one - are discussed and interpreted following the above mentioned original motif.
On Ethical in the Phenomenology of Life
On Ethical in the Phenomenology of Life. 2007. Roma: Edizioni Eucos. Highly valuing the philosophical work of a major contemporary phenomenologist, Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (1923-2014), the author gives a hermeneutic exposure of the ethical coordinates she draws from the 'phenomenology of life'. Developed by the outstanding Polish-born American philosopher, the original “phenomenology of the logos of life” is one of the most spectacular directions in the post-Husserlian phenomenological worldwide movement. The book shares part of the growing interest the author has experienced over the years by disclosing the ethical referential Tymieniecka did implicitly take into consideration throughout her writings, firstly in her fleuve-treatise Logos and Life in four tomes (1988-2000) but no less in the frame of many international congresses, conferences and symposia she has organized and presided, and in her so rich editorial work. Emphasizing the great valences of 'phenomenology of life' grounded on the concept of “creative human condition”, the author finds a pathway to be much more scrutinized and appropriated in the individual and common process of human values' cultivation and manifestation in the real existence.
Into the Opening of the Romanian Moral Philosophizing
Into the Opening of the Romanian Moral Philosophizing. 2008. Bucharest: Didactic and Pedagogical Publishing House. The book takes into account some challenges of (self-)awareness and (self-)comprehension processes concerning the Romanian ethos. In terms of an integrative hermeneutics, the basic topics of balancing between 'distance and proximity' is displayed in the attempt to highlight roots, historical evolution, particularities of a national morality and philosophical creativity in which Romanians would have to identify the values-principles and the route to be followed in order to overcome the deep moral crisis of the contemporary world. The perspective is one of duty and right, of freedom and dignity to be activated and developed in the constructive elements that can support a healthy restoration. Knowing and understanding some of a veritable culture advanced by remarkable Romanian personalities of universal vocation would very well mean a practical and constant reference point of reflecting and acting through and for a perpetual moral philosophizing of improvement.
LUCIAN BLAGA: El filosofar „Bajo la especie del misterio”
LUCIAN BLAGA: El filosofar „Bajo la especie del misterio”. Con un estudio sobre la „fusión de los horizontes”: Lucian Blaga y Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka. 2015. Madrid / London / New York: Niram Art Editorial. “Uno de los filósofos más importantes del siglo XX, artista de la enunciación metafórica, Lucian Blaga (1895 Lancram, Alba - 1961 Cluj) se impone como verdadero modelo cultural, que compite con la eternidad a través de una impresionante obra, abierta a diferentes lados del espíritu. Celebramos la publicación en español de esta síntesis excepcional que ayudará a la adecuada introducción y a una mayor comprensión del sistema filosófico de uno de los más importantes creadores de la cultura rumana, el poeta, filósofo y dramaturgo Lucian Blaga”. Details
Carmen Cozma also published around 100 research studies and articles in philosophical books and journals edited in Ankara, Athens, Bălți, Belgrade, Bologna, Boston, Braga, Brasília, Bucharest, Chișinău, Cluj-Napoca, Colima, Dordrecht, Galați, Hanover NH, Iași, Istanbul, Ljubljana, New York NY, Rome, Santa Fe-Paranā, Shandong, Shantou, Suceava, Tokyo, Washington DC.
Selected studies in collective works:
• On the Meaningfulness of Man's Existence: From the Existentialist Thinking to Phenomenology of Life. In Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (ed.), Phenomenology and Existentialism in the Twentieth Century, Book 3 (Dordrecht / Heidelberg / London / New York: Springer, 2010).
• Human Transcending on the Pathway of Moral Creative Becoming. In Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (ed.), Transcendentalism Overturned (Dordrecht / Heidelberg / London / New York: Springer, 2011).
• Comprensión y explicación en una hermenéutica de la música. In Carmen B. Gonzales y Francisco M. Bodean (eds.), Paul Ricoeur y la fenomenología (Santa Fe: Circulo de Fenomenología y Hermenéutica de Santa Fe-Paraná, 2014).
• Moral Excellence as Cosmicization of Human Beingness in the Ontopoietic Perspective. In Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (ed.), Phenomenology of Space and Time, Book One (Cham / Heidelberg / New York / Dordrecht / London: Springer, 2014).
• The Call for Creative Philosophizing in a Postmodern Time. In Daniela Verducci (ed.), Vie della fenomenologia nella post-modernità (Roma: Aracne Editrice, 2014).
• Virtue Ethics' Challenges in Improving Professional Ethics. In Camelia Grădinaru, Andreea Mironescu, Roxana Patraș (eds.), Perspectives in Humanities: Keys for Interdisciplinarity (Iași: „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University Press, 2015).
• On Ethical Counseling: Aiming to a Good Life through Training In and Using Moral Philosophy. In Gregory T. Papanikos (ed.), Humanities and Arts (Athens: ATINER, 2017).
• On the Concept's Art in the Philosophical Work of Gheorghe Vlăduțescu. In Sabin Totu (ed.), Academician Gheorghe Vlăduțescu: 80 Years (Bucharest: University of Bucharest Publishing House, 2017).
• Ontopoiesis of Life as Eco-Phenomenology. In William S. Smith, Jadwiga S. Smith, Daniela Verducci (eds.), Eco-Phenomenology: Life, Human Life, Post-Human Life in the Harmony of the Cosmos (Cham: Springer, 2018).
• Reassessing Ethics in Its Moral Kernel: The Call for Moral Philosophy. In David A. Frenkel (ed.), An Anthology of Ethics (Athens: ATINER, 2020).
• The Human Being as a Moral Culture Consumer. In Dan Chițoiu, Oana Cogeanu (eds.), The Role of Intercultural Encounters: Re-learning to Be Human for Global Times (Washington, DC: The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, 2021).
• On 'Cosmicism' as a Defining Dimension of Human Beingness-in-Becoming within the Romanian Metaphysics. In Matthew Gildersleeve and Andrew Crowden (eds.), Philosophy of Place: Finding Place and Self in the World (New York / Bern / Berlin / Brussels / Vienna / Oxford / Warsaw: Peter Lang, 2022).
• On Dialogic Beingness-in-Becoming in a Frame of Hermeneutic Phenomenology. In Angela Ales Bello e Antonio De Luca (eds.), Esistenze in crisi. Accadimento Vissuto Intersoggettività (Roma: Edizioni Universitarie Romane, 2023).